Sunday, February 07, 2010

Showing Eagle Project Leadership

We no longer call it the "Eagle Service Project," and it's not about the scout going out on his own to perform service. Now, it is the Eagle Leadership Service Project. The project is the application of all the skills, experience and knowledge gained by the scout in his scouting career and advancement to the Eagle rank. These are life skills which will carry the scout always in his career, service to others and all worthy endeavors.

The purpose of the project is for the scout to demonstrate his leadership in a service project, not just for him to do work in service to others. A by-product of this change in focus on leadership is that the scout recruits, organizes and supervises others who help in the project, thus accomplishing much greater service in the community and nation.

But how does the scout demonstrate his leadership? Here are a few ideas to use in the planning stage as well as the project write-up:

I demonstrated leadership by

  • Researching and identifying a community need.
  • Working with a worthy organization.
  • Planning and organizing a project to fill the need.
  • Enlisting volunteers to assist in the project.
  • Involving friends of other faiths.
  • Educating others about the community need.
  • Working on the project.
  • Supervising others to carry out the project.
  • Meeting or exceeding my goals.
Mission accomplished !!!