Wash Tub Cooking System
Here's a complete cooking system that is easy to build and use, and is low impact on the wilderness as well.
The Grill:
The basic unit is a 12 gallon common washtub, with 1/4 inch bolts placed 1/2 inch below the rim to hold the grill. Stand the tub on three bricks so the bottom does not touch the ground. If you want, you can put a disposable foil pan in the bottom to hold the coals. Now you have a grill that can go anywhere, and will not harm the wilderness. By the way, the tub holds supplies such as charcoal on the way to your campground.
As an Oven or Smoker:
Place another tub inverted over the grill to have an oven or a smoker. The tub can also be inverted on the ground, over sheets of aluminum foil, and coals piled up around the sides and on the top to ake an oven. It takes about two hours to have a perfect roast with potatoes and vegetables.
The Perfect Fire Pan:
Set on three bricks, the washtub makes a great fire pan, and allows you to have your campfire without scorching the earth. Campfires on the ground sterilize the soil for many years, and no vegetation will grow. With the washtub as a fire pan, you don't have to worry about rings of stones around your fire, the tub contains it, and the heat radiates from the sides for warmth. Soak the ashes when you are done, and you can even transport them home in the washtub instead of throwing them out into the wilderness.
As a Dutch Oven Table:
Turn the washtub upside down and it becomes a perfect Dutch oven table to keep the coals and fire away from the ground and for a more convenient cooking height. When you leave no trace of your fire others can enjoy a more pristine outdoor experience.
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